(Ramsgate, 1862-Hove, 1938)

bayley laura portrait

Jean-Claude SEGUIN


William Bullivant Bayley (Ramsgate, [1829]-)épouse (Londres, 09/09/1851) Elizabeth Rebekah Francis (Londres, [1827]-Hastings, 06/1901). Descendance :


Issue d'une famille d'artistes installée à Ramsgate (recensement 1871), Laura Bayley et ses sœurs vont former les "Sisters Bayley", un groupe musical qui se fait connaître dès la fin des années 1870.

bayley sisters 1876
The Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate, samedi 29 avril 1876, p. 1.

Au début des année 1880, la famille réside encore à Ramsgate (recensement 1881) et les filles font alors partie de la troupe de J. D. Hunter, qui épousera Florence en 1888 :

THE AMPHITHEATRE.—A sparkling and mirthful extravaganza, "Dick Whittington,” has been produced at the Amphitheatre this week by Mr. D. Hunter's Company, and has attracted good houses. The company includes the Sisters Bayley, whose excellent singing has been greatly appreciated. Miss Laura Bayley charmingly carries out the title role, and Mr. Hunter, as "Idle Jack,” has been enthusiastically received every night. The  whole company is an excellent one, and each performs his or her part ably, in addition to which the piece is well staged and splendidly dressed.

The Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate, samedi 6 août 1887, p. 3

Après son mariage avec George, Albert Smith, Laura Bayley quitte le groupe des "Bayley Sisters" qu'elle ne retrouve que de façon très occasionnelle. Elle va désormais partager les activités de son mari, en animant avec lui les jardins d'agrément St Ann's Well et Wild Garden de Brighton dont il a repris le bail.

brighton saint ann wellBrighton. St. Ann's Well (c. 1905)

En quelques mois, G. Albert Smith et Laura Bayley vont redynamiser les jardins et multiplier les attractions et les événements festifs.  comme le signale le Brighton Gazette:

Mr O. Albert South, the genial and enterprising leesee of the beautiful and popular resorts known as St. Ann's Well and Wild Garden, making specially attractive arrangements for the summer for the benefit of his Juvenile patrons and their friends. It been recognised and appreciated an unrivalled playground for the children of the town, who may bo seen in their hundreds every Saturday disporting themselves to their heart's dalight tbs well-wooded grounds. To render their enjoyment yet more complete Mr Smith is going to provide additional entertainments every Saturday during the summer, commencing to-day, when Edgar Brun, a trapeze artiste and juggler of considerable note and undoubted ability, will perform on the lawn at 3.30 and 6.30. Apart from these treats to the youngsters, there is much in the gardens to interest their eldm, and visitors and residents alike have been unanimous in their praises of the famous retreat. It is, as the lessee points out, the very place to spend happy day. It is easily accessible from the Western Road 'bus route, and practically in the heart of Brighton, preeenting six acres of compact pleasure ground, affording shade from the rays of the summer sun, and from the cold winds. Nothing could be pleasanter to sit beneath the rich foliage and enjoy a refreshing cap of tea and other creature ooraforU provided Mr Smith. For thoee of more energetic disposition there is lawn tennis and variety of am .sements, which altogether entitle the reeort to the most extensive patronage. ARNOLD, PERRETT & CO., Ltd. WINE & AND TAMILT SPIRIT MERCHANTS. SPZJCZA.XiX'TXXiS- Chateau des Graves .. Chateau La Marniere Clos de la Grotte Clos de Beau Repaire rrwrtMm. 1888 1888 1889 1889 ram ram. 18/- 21/- 21/- 24/- 40/- 42/-

En 1892,